Visualisation of flowlines in the soil below river bed using tracer fluid (experimental picture – left side) and sand waves initiated by travelling water waves causing pore water pressure variations delta u(z,t) inside the underlaying sand at river bed with upward (+) and downward (-) directed transient pore water flow (schematic picture – right side), see also the link to the paper for the IAHR-Conference 2007 in Venice (Iatly)
More details and explanations to this video sequence (above) about the untertaken investigation may be found with the following Link to the paper (contribution 10) presented by Davis, Koenders & Köhler at the BAW-Workshop 2004 and at the end of this page down below.
Distribution of saturation and pore water pressure in the tree phase system soil above and below piezometric level
This internet page deals with submerged soil being recognized as a 3-phase-medium, containing gas, water and soil particles. Some of the research results of this phenomenon are presented, taking into account the direct influence on structure stability.
Flyer, paper Köhler TU Freiberg 2012, powerpoint presentation Köhler TU Freiberg 2012
–> Link zum Verlag Taylor & Francis
Special research work undertaken by me at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) dealt with revetment and filter design at navigable inland water ways:
Filter and revetment design of water imposed embankments induced by wave and draw down loadings
Poster dealing with the phenomenon of excess pore water pressure at inland waterways caused by navigating vessels and their influence on revetment stability (left poster) as well as with experimental investigation methods using endoscopic and digital image processing technique (right poster)
Poster-Exhibition of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) at the XIV. International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Hamburg (XIVth ICSMGE) 1997
Water level draw down effect at an canal embankment caused by the passage of a navigating vessel
Link to the list of publications by H.-J. Köhler
Selected Publications:
- Porewater pressure spreading in submerged subsoil, measuring technique and numerical calculations, (originally published in German and translated into English), in: Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Nr. 75, 1997
- Soil and water – pressure and water flow, (originally published in German and translated into English), in: Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Nr. 76, 1997
- The influence of hydraulic head and hydraulic gradient on the filtration process, in: Contribution to the 1st Intl. Conf. Geo-Filters `92: The influence of hydraulic head and hydraulic gradient on the filtration process by H.-J. Köhler in: „Filters in Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering“ 1993, eds.: J.Brauns et al., A.A.Balkema Rotterdam/Brookfield
- Measurements of the water wave amplitudes by digital image processing, in: Proc. of the 4th Intern. Symposium Field Measurements in Geomechanics (FMGM95), Bergamo, Italy, ISMES, SGEditorali Padova, Via Lagrange 3, 35143 Padova, pp. 455-46, 1995
- Development of excess pore water pressure in over-consolidated clay, induced by hydraulic head changes and its effect on sheet pile wall stability of a navigable lock, in: Proc. of the 4th Intern. Symposium Field Measurements in Geomechanics (FMGM95), Bergamo, Italy, ISMES, SGEditoriali Padova, Via Lagrange 3, 35143 Padova, pp. 519-526, 1995
- Detection of Particle Movements at Soil Interfaces due to Changing Hydraulic Load Conditions, Localised by a Digital Image Processing Technique, in: Proc. Geofilters, J. Lafleur, A. L. Rollin (Eds.), May 29.-31. 1996, Montreal, Canada, pp. 215-226, ISBN 2-553-00561-X
Using digital image processing technique, which was established in a longstanding cooperation between the Federal Waterway Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe and Prof. B. Jähne and his research team at the Research Institute for Scientific Image Processing Technique (IWR) at the Universität Heidelberg, a new measurement technique was succesfully introduced into the investigation methods to solve water soil interaction phenomena in soils under water. Many Diploma- and phD-Theses document this more than 10 years research activity between the Federal Waterway Engineering and Research Institute in Karlsruhe and Prof. B. Jähne and his research team at the University of Heidelberg. The results attained by this new digital image processing technique gained during our joint work are documented in a number of conference and journal papers.These investigational results of the experiments on particle motion at soil interfaces were printed as a short version in the following handbook:
See also the suggested text version submitted to be printed in this book.
- Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, Volume 3, Systems and Applications, Bernd Jähne & Horst Haussecker, Academic Press, 1999, pp. 648-649, ISBN 0-12–379777-2
A German publication presented at the Workshop 2004 at the University of Braunschweig describes one of the latest results gained from investigations on underwater embankments during wave attack undertaken in the test flume of the Waterway Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe:
- Bewegungsegmentierung auf dem Gebiet der Interaktion zwischen Wasser und Boden unter der Belastung aus Strömungs- und Druckänderung, in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Heft Nr. 77, 2004 ( test sequence during the wave attack experiments in the wave flume at the BAW)
The research led to clarifying results about the interaction of submerged soil particles and transient acting pore water flow. Meanwhile it has found its way into investigation strategies by different researchers dealing with similar research targets in order to solve questions in the fields of the engineering practice.
The following video sequence, gained by this newly developed digital image processing technique, shows the result of an investigation at a submerged soil body, which was loaded by water pressure fluctuations:
Click on the lefthand image to start of the image video sequence (gif-file – 5,95 kb)
- Filter and revetment design of water imposed embankments induced by wave and draw down loadings or Filter and revetment design of water imposed embankments induced by wave and draw down loadings in: Proceedings of First European Geosynthetics Conf. EuroGeo1, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 30th Sept.-2nd Oct. 1996, Rotterdam/Brookfield, 1996. A.A. Balkema
- Filter and revetment design of water imposed embankments induced by wave and draw down loading (HTML-Version) or Filter and revetment design of water imposed embankments induced by wave and draw down loading (Print-Version) in: „Dikes and Revetments“ by K.W. Pilarczyk (editor), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998,, pp. 537-559, ISBN 9054104554
- Landslides in over-consolidated clay – geotechnical measurements and calculation, in: Proceedings of the XIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1999, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, F.B.J.Barends et al. (eds), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 601-608, ISBN 9058090477
- Fluidisation and deformation of submerged soil due to fluctuating water level, in: Proceedings of the XIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1999, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, F.B.J.Barends et al. (eds), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 921-927, ISBN 9058090477
- A soil mechanical design approach for permeable revetments for inland waterways, in: Proceedings of the XIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1999, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, F.B.J.Barends et al. (eds), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 835-843, ISBN 9058090477
- Unsaturated condition below ground water table and its effect on pore pressure, soil and structure deformation, in: Proceedings of the XIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1999; Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure; F.B.J.Barends et al. (eds), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 1109-1115, ISBN 9058090477
- Soil and structure deformations due to reconstruction of an old lock built on unsaturated submerged clay, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Pre-failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Torino, Italy, September 1999, M. Jamiolkowski et al. (eds), A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 793-800, ISBN 9058090752, see also the poster for the IS Torino Conference 1999 in Turino:
- Material Transport an Structure Changes at Soil-Water Interfaces, In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Geofilters 2000, Warsaw, Poland, June 2000, Filters and Drainages in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, W. Wolski et al. (eds.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 91 – 97, ISBN 9058091465, see also the poster for the Geofilters 2000-Conference „Material Transport…“ in Warschau:
- Analysis of erosion protection measures in partially saturated subsoils, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Geofilters 2000, Warsaw, Poland, June 2000, Filters and Drainages in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, W. Wolski et al. (eds.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 75 – 81, ISBN 9058091465
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of flow in a turbulent filter layer, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Geofilters 2000, Warsaw, Poland, June 2000, Filters and Drainages in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, W. Wolski et al. (eds.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 67 – 73, ISBN 9058091465
- Pressure spreading at soil water interfaces and its influence on soil structure design, in: Proceedings of the 2nd European Geosynthetics Conference, EuroGeo2000, October 2000, Bologna; Italy, A. Cancelli et al. (eds), Patron Editore, Via Badini 12, 40050 Quarto Inferio, Bologna, Volume 2, (AGI-IGS), pp. 687 694, see also the poster for the EuroGeo2000-Conference in Bologna:
- Landslides triggered in clayey soils geotechnical measurements and calculations, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides (VIIIISL), June 2000, Cardiff; Wales, E.Bromhead et al. (eds), Thomas Telford Ltd, London, pp. 837 – 42, ISBN 0727728725
- Landslide triggering induced by barometric pressure changes, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, Melbourne, Australia, November 2000, paper-no. 0555SNES (pp. 1-6)
- Excess pore water pressure affecting slope stability, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, Melbourne, Australia, November 2000, paper-no. 0469SNES (pp. 6-12)
- Influence of external pressure changes acting on unsaturated submerged soils, in: Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (ICSMGE 2001), Istanbul, August 2001, Vol. 1, Publications Committee of the XV ICSMFG (eds), Istanbul, pp. 593-596, see also the poster for the ICSMGE 2001-Conference in Istanbul:
- Contribution to the fluidisation of soils: Direct visualisation of underwater phenomena in soil-fluid interaction and analysis of the effects of an ambient pressure drop on unsaturated media, —> Link to Taylor & Francis (preview)
Direct visualisation of underwater phenomena in soil-fluid interaction and analysis of the effects of an ambient pressure drop on unsaturated media by H.J. KÖHLER and M.A. KOENDERS
—> Link to Taylor & Francis (preview)IAHR – Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR), 2003,Vol:41/Issue: 1 A description is given of an apparatus in which a wide range of hydraulic conditions can be realised. A unique observation system using optical fibre based endoscopes and an imaging system that includes a signficant digital processing element enables the visualisation of grain and fluid motion as well as air bubble behaviour in granular deposits of specified composition and geometry under externally imposed hydraulic conditions. Examples are given and a particular application in which a soil is studied that is fluidized by an external pressure drop. A description of the fluidized behaviour is given and the outcomes are cast in terms of a mathematical/physical model for fluidized material. This model is then used to predict the extent of a fluidized region in a one-dimensional situation Buy the full paper [in Adobe PDF format]
- Flood crest situations and its influence on bank stability and protection measures. in: Proceedings of the MITCH Workshop III, November 2002, Potsdam, see also the poster prepared for the MITCH-Workshop III in Potsdam (Germany), 2002
- Behaviour of near-saturated soils under cyclic wave loading, in: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, IS Lyon 2003, Lyon, France, September 2003, Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, H. Di Benedetto et al. (eds), A.A.Balkema-Publishers, Lisse, pp 857 – 862, ISBN 905809 6041
- Transient excess pore water pressures causing soil deformation and hydraulic failure, in: Proceedings of the XIIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE 2003), Prague, Czech Republic, August 2003; Geotechnical problems with man-made and man influenced grounds; I. Vanicek (eds), CGtS, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. 415 422
- Transient excess pore water pressure causing structure deformation and hydraulic soil failure, in: Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Conference dedicated to the Tercentenary of Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2003, Reconstruction of Historical Cities and Geotechnical Engineering, V.A. Ilichev & V.M.Ulitsky (eds), ASV Publisher, 129337, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe Shosse 26, Moscow, Vol. 1, pp. 327 334, ISBN 5930932042
- Hydraulic failure and soil structure deformation due to wave and draw down loading, in: Proceedings of the Coastal Structures 2003 Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2003; ASCE, J. A. Melby (eds), pp.924 – 34, ISBN: 0784407339 and Contribution to the poster session with the theme: Hydraulic Failure and Soil-Structure Deformation due to Wave and Draw Down Loading (Poster for the Coastal Structures 2003 Conference – pages 1 to 4), Link to ASCE
- Filters subjected to transient hydraulic loading, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Filters and Drainiage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering (Geofilters 2004), Windhuk, Südafrika, 2004, Filters and Drainages, et al. (eds.), 2004. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 371 – 382
- Pore water compressibility and soil behaviour excavations, slopes and draining effects. In: Proceedings of the A.W. Skempton Memorial Conference 2004, London, UK, March 2004, R.J. Jardine et al. (eds), Thomas Telford Ltd, London, Vol. 2, pp. 1169 – 1182, ISBN 0727732641, see also the following poster prepared for the Skempton Memorial Conference in London 2004:
- Investigations regarding soils below phreatic surface as unsaturated porous media, presented at the Intern. Coference in Weimar, Germany, September 18 – 19, 2003, in „Unsaturated Soils: Numerical and Theoretical Approaches“, Volume II, 2005, ed.: T. Schanz, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg; Investigations regarding soils below phreatic surface as unsaturated porous media
- Inspection of excess pressure propagation in the zone of gas entrapment below the capillary fringe , presented at the Intern. Coference in Weimar, Germany, September 18 – 19, 2003, in „Unsaturated Soils: Numerical and Theoretical Approaches“, Volume II, 2005, ed.: T. Schanz, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg; Inspection of excess pressure propagation in the zone of gas entrapment below the capillary fringe
- Pore pressure response due to turbulent flow patterns using combined lattice Boltzmann and analytical methodology (Video sequence to current above a gravel bed over an additional obstacle and pore water pressure response in the underlaying sand bed as well as a sequence of current over an obstacle by the superposition of waves as well as pore water pressure response in the underlaying sand bed)
- Risk analysis of unsaturated, non-cohesive subsoil due turbulent flow fluctuations, in: Proceedings of the 29th International Coastal Engineering Conference, National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Lisbon, Portugal 19th – 24th September 2004, J. McKee Smith (ed), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Vol. 2, pp 1861 – 1873
- Pressure fluctuations within subsurface gravel bed caused by turbulent open-channel flow, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2004), Napoli, Italy, June 2004, M. Greco et al. (eds), A.A. Balkema-Publishers, Lisse, Vol. 1, pp 695 – 701, ISBN 905809 687 4
- Simultaneous 3-D PTV and micro-pressure sensor equipment for flow analysis in a subsurface gravel layer, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2004), Napoli, Italy, June 2004, M. Greco et al. (eds), A.A. Balkema-Publishers, Lisse, Vol. 1, pp 703 – 712, ISBN 90 5809 687 4
Unsaturated subsoil erosion protection in turbulent flow conditions by M. DAVIS, H.J. KÖHLER and M.A. KOENDERS Link to Taylor Francis (priview)
IAHR – Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR), 2006, Vol:44/Issue: 3 Flow is considered over an obstacle placed on a coarse gravel layer that covers a sand layer. The pressure distribution as a function of position and time is obtained for partially saturated conditions in the subsoil. The flow in the open water and coarse layer is calculated using a lattice Boltzmann technique; the pressure in the subsoil is evaluated by means of an analytical solution using the lattice Boltzmann simulation as boundary condition. The results demonstrate where the greatest risk of damage to the subsoil may be located. Buy the full paper [in Adobe PDF format]
- Flood crest situations and its influence on bank stability and protection measures (power point presentation)
- Instability of armoured river and sea beds due to water soil interaction regarding partly saturated subsoil conditions, in: Proc. of the 32nd IAHR-Congress, 1.-6. July 2007, Venice, Italy, Link to the Program of the IAHR-2007-Congress in Venice (Session TS2 on 2nd Juli 2007, 16.15 – 18.00 h presented for theme A – A2b: Sediment transport and erosion process: (Oral presentation)
Workshops 2002 and 2004 at the Federal Waterways and Research Institute Karlsruhe (BAW) – Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe (BAW)
Link to the Publications at the BAW-Workshop 2002
- Contribution 4
BAW-Workshop 2004
Turbulence at sea and river beds – foto originates from research experiments undertaken in an experimental flume at the Federal Waterway and Research Institute Karlsruhe (BAW) and presented at the BAW-Workshop 2004
Program 2004
Link to the Publications at the BAW-Workshop 2004
The preceding images above show experimental results of investigations undertaken on submerged soil in order to evaluate movements of a soil body caused by water level draw down loading. In order to distinguish between the movements of the whole soil body and its individual soil particles the following video sequence (moving soil segment) describes the process of heaving during a water level draw down loading. The image shows a vertical plane cut section of the size 6 x 6 mm. This image sequence is taken at the interface between an underlaying sand layer covered by a 10 cm thick protection layer of gravel, whilst interweaving pixel movements were simultaneously recorded by an endoscopic measuring technique during the loading phase. Using image processing technique the grabbed pixel movements were analyzed in order to distinguish between diverging and rotating motion. All single pixels of the image were evaluated by different especially developed algorithms to interpret the video sequences by a digital image analyzing technique gaining the interweaving motion of water and soil particles (sediment motion). The preceding video sequence shows the mass motion of the heaving soil body under observation together with the interpreted rotating and diverging motions in order to calculate the observed vector field.
Using digital image processing technique, which was established in a longstanding cooperation between the Federal Waterway Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe and Prof. B. Jähne and his research team at the Research Institute for Scientific Image Processing Technique (IWR) at the Universität Heidelberg, a new measurement technique was succesfully introduced into the investigation methods to solve water soil interaction phenomena in soils under water. Many Diploma- and phD-Theses document this more than 10 years research activity between the Federal Waterway Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe and Prof. B. Jähne and his research team at the University of Heidelberg. The results attained by this new digital image processing technique gained during our joint work are documented in a number of conference and journal papers. See also the following information in:
- Handbook of Computervision and Applications, Volume 3, Systems and Applications, Bernd Jähne et al., Academic Press, 1999, pp. 699-718, ISBN 0-12-379773
A German written publication presented at the Workshop 2004 at the University of Braunschweig describes one of the latest results gained from investigations on underwater embankments during wave attack undertaken in the test flume of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) in Karlsruhe:
The research led to clarifying results about the interaction of submerged soil particles and transient acting pore water flow, which meanwhile has found its way into investigation strategies by different researchers dealing with similar research targets in order to solve questions in the fields of the engineering practice.
The following video sequence shows the result of an investigation at a submerged soil body, which was loaded by water pressure fluctuations, gained by this newly developed digital image processing technique:
Click on the lefthand image to start the image video sequence (gif-file – 5,95 kb)
The reason for this mass motion are tiny small gas bubbles occluded in the pore water of naturally submerged soils. These gas enclosures may cause transient water and soil flow motions, if external pressure changes (rising or reducing pressures) act on such soils. Pressure changes may therefore cause the increase or decrease in volume of the gas bubbles contained in the pore water according to Boyle-Mariot´s law, if rapid water level changes take place. In order to prevent or at least significantly hinder such processes of volume changes by the gas bubbles a satisfactory size of top load on the soil body is needed in order to minimize the endangering soil structure changes.
Where pressure changes take place much faster than the value of the described pore water permeability k (m/s) of the soil under observation, measured in the terms of flow length in time (speed), the enclosed gas bubbles may be impaired from changing volume (dV/dt) within the simultaneously elapsing time. This causes transient pore water pressure potentials, time dependent to act in a delayed pore water pressure state. Either acting transient as an excess pore water pressure or as a not large enough adjusted smaller pore water pressure state. Such loading conditions lead to the initiation of unsteady pore water flow, which may cause soil deformation within the time of the pressure changes acting on the soil structures, if the soils are not highly enough protected by an appropriately selected heavy filter top load.
Where the filter protection layer is selected as an appropriately acting top load by means of a large amount of weight, the sediment motions may be prevented. Soil structure changes can therefore not take place. This may sufficient to ensure the soil against soil failure at unsteady state (hindered soil motion). Especially rapid water pressure changes, such as water level draw down or waves causing water pressure changes, i.e due to navigational traffic at water ways, may easily cause destabilisation of the soil at river and sea beds or under water embankments. (see following image).
Hydraulic loading due to water level draw down and waves
Hydraulic scheme of the water level draw down loading, caused by the passage of a vessel in the canal, endangering bed and embankment stability at navigational waterways
Revetment Design Guide published in:
Bulletin No. 88 of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau), Karlsruhe August 2005, ISSN 0572-5801, Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways
by the members of the Working Group Revetments for Waterways of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Karlsruhe, 2005 English Version of the GBB) published in the Mitteilungsblatt Nr. 88 of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Karlsruhe, 2005
The following image shows an experimental setup of a coloure coded stone rip rap revetment structure under investigation tested in the wave flume at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), Karlsruhe, against wave impact. At a model scale of 1:1 these wave attack experiments were undertaken in order to investigate the stability of stone rip rap revetment structures against water level lowering and surging or breaking waves. Valuable decisions for the design of revetments about the requested stone size and revetment structure thickness could be gained from the results of these experiments, which have been very useful in establishing new design rules for safe revetment structures (see also the link to the English version of the guide lines for revetment design (GBB 2004), published in 2004 and 2005 by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Karlsruhe.
Wave attack on an embankment in the test flume at the BAW Karlsruhe
Scheme of the oscillating wave impact on the pore pressure response inside the subsoil
The content of gas enclosures in the pore water gains therefore not only a direct significance for the construction of water ways, its influence stretches out to all fields of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Especially for stability calculations and safety estimations of retaining wall structures, embankments and ground cut sections these gas enclosures in the pore water of natural submerged soils gain importance and need to be taken into account. Different application examples are documented in a number of publications and papers presented at different international conferences and in the Newsletters of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW).
The following poster prepared for the Skempton Memorial Conference, held in London 2004, describes for instance three of such essential influencing structure cases, which are also printed in the Conference Proceedings and may be reached directly with the following link.
Schwab, R., Köhler, H.-J. & Schulze, R. 2004 Pore water compressibility and soil behaviour excavations, slopes and draining effects. In: Proceedings of the A.W. Skempton Memorial Conference 2004, London, UK, March 2004, R.J. Jardine et al. (eds), Thomas Telford Ltd, London, Vol. 2, pp. 1169 – 1182, ISBN 0727732641,
Poster prepared for the Skempton Memorial Conference 2004 in London
Christmas Card 2000 of the Federal Waterways Engineering Institute (BAW) pointing at our research work initiated by the „Filter and Erosion Research Club (FERC)“
As soon as the research targets were published in 1997 an international research structure – Filter and Erosion Research Club (FERC) – was established between the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Karlsruhe (Germany), Rijkswaterstaat-Institute Delft (DWW) (The Netherlands), Institute for Scientific Image Processing Technique (IWR) at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), Kingston University (Great Britain – UK) and Institute for Hydromechanics (IfH) at the University (TH) Karlsruhe (Germany), which supported different research projects to investigate hydrodynamic imposed filter and erosion structures. See also the following publications, dealing with this subject:
- Pore pressure response due to turbulent flow patterns using combined lattice Boltzmann and analytical methodology (Video sequence to current above a gravel bed over an additional obstacle and pore water pressure response in the underlaying sand bed as well as a sequence of current over an obstacle by the superposition of waves as well as pore water pressure response in the underlaying sand bed)
- Risk analysis of unsaturated, non-cohesive subsoil due turbulent flow fluctuations, in: Proceedings of the 29th International Coastal Engineering Conference, National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Lisbon, Portugal 19th – 24th September 2004, J. McKee Smith (ed), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Vol. 2, pp 1861 – 1873
- Pressure fluctuations within subsurface gravel bed caused by turbulent open-channel flow, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2004), Napoli, Italy, June 2004, M. Greco et al. (eds), A.A. Balkema-Publishers, Lisse, Vol. 1, pp 695 – 701, ISBN 905809 687 4
- Simultaneous 3-D PTV and micro-pressure sensor equipment for flow analysis in a subsurface gravel layer, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2004), Napoli, Italy, June 2004, M. Greco et al. (eds), A.A. Balkema-Publishers, Lisse, Vol. 1, pp 703 – 712, ISBN 90 5809 687 4
Unsaturated subsoil erosion protection in turbulent flow conditions by M. DAVIS, H.J. KÖHLER and M.A. KOENDERS
Link to Taylor Francis (priview)
IAHR – Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR), 2006,Vol:44/Issue: 3 Flow is considered over an obstacle placed on a coarse gravel layer that covers a sand layer. The pressure distribution as a function of position and time is obtained for partially saturated conditions in the subsoil. The flow in the open water and coarse layer is calculated using a lattice Boltzmann technique; the pressure in the subsoil is evaluated by means of an analytical solution using the lattice Boltzmann simulation as boundary condition. The results demonstrate where the greatest risk of damage to the subsoil may be located. Buy the full paper [in Adobe PDF format]
- Contribution to the fluidisation of soils:
Direct visualisation of underwater phenomena in soil-fluid interaction and analysis of the effects of an ambient pressure drop on unsaturated media | |
by H.J. KÖHLER and M.A. KOENDERS —> Link to Taylor & Francis (preview) |
IAHR – Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR), 2003,Vol:41/Issue: 1 | |
A description is given of an apparatus in which a wide range of hydraulic conditions can be realised. A unique observation system using optical fibre based endoscopes and an imaging system that includes a signficant digital processing element enables the visualisation of grain and fluid motion as well as air bubble behaviour in granular deposits of specified composition and geometry under externally imposed hydraulic conditions. Examples are given and a particular application in which a soil is studied that is fluidized by an external pressure drop. A description of the fluidized behaviour is given and the outcomes are cast in terms of a mathematical/physical model for fluidized material. This model is then used to predict the extent of a fluidized region in a one-dimensional situation | |
Buy the full paper [in Adobe PDF format] |
- Instability of armoured river and sea beds due to water soil interaction regarding partly saturated subsoil conditions, in: Proc. of the 32nd IAHR-Congress, 1.-6. July 2007, Venice, Italy, Link to the Program of the IAHR-2007-Congress in Venice (Session TS2 on 2nd Juli 2007, 16.15 – 18.00 h presented for theme A – A2b: Sediment transport and erosion process: (Oral presentation)
Some results of these latest investigations in 2004, using Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on erosion structures loaded by current and travelling waves, are shown in the following sketches. More details and explanations about the untertaken investigation may be found with the following Link to the paper (Beitrag 10) presented by Davis, Koenders & Köhler at the BAW-Workshop 2004.
Click on to the image (above) in order to start the image sequence of the calculated flow lines as a time dependent image sequence
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation for the current over an 10 cm high obstacle installed on a gravel bed protection layer of a thickness of 10 cm (uniform gravel with a median diameter of 10 mm) above a uniform base of fine sand and the occurrence of the initiated stream lines over the obstacle, above as well as inside the gravelly protection layer, running over the protected flume structure (water bed), superimposed by a simultaneously acting wave loading of sinosoidal travelling waves
Click on to the image (above) in order to start the calculated transient pore pressure response inside the sandy sublayer below the gravelly protection layer using the flow and water pressure regime originating from the Lattice Boltzmann Simulation.
Results were gained by using an analytical time dependent calculation scheme in order to evaluate the transient pore pressure response inside an underlaying base layer of fine sand. These took into account the results of the Lattice Boltzmann Simulation with current above a 10 cm high obstacle superimposed by synosoidal water waves travelling over an gravelly protection layer. The goal of this investigation is to evaluate the transient pore pressure response inside the underlaying base of the uniform fine sand layer below the 10 cm thick protection layer of uniform gravel, consisting of grain particles with a median diameter of 10 mm, caused by the hydrodynamic loading (current and waves) acting inside and above the water bed.
Link to the Sketch of this Lattice Boltzmann Simulation as pdf-file
The above mentioned research projects have been succesfully finished in 2004.